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K-State Epicenter

Kansas State University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
3083 Engineering Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506

Phone: (785) 532-4646

Hours: 8 am-12pm, 1pm-5pm M-F

Complex network approach to epidemic spreading in rural regions


PI: Caterina Scoglio (ECE)

Co-PIs: Todd Easton (IMSE), Robert Kooij (ECE), Walter Schumm (HumEc)

Students: Mina Youssef (ECE), Ali Sydney (ECE), Phillip Schumm (ECE), Kyle Carlyle (IMSE), Joseph Anderson (IMSE)


The overarching goal of this research is to develop optimized guidelines that administrators can use to establish procedures and realign resources to help mitigate the effects of the spread of infectious diseases in rural regions such as Western Kansas, caused by natural causes or malicious attacks. This project studies the peculiar contact network of rural regions, and develops a simulation tool with multiple compartments running on the contact network.

Paper on "Efficient Mitigation Strategies for Epidemics in Rural Regions"

Presentations & Publicationsnetworks

- C. Scoglio, W. Schumm, P. Schumm, T. Easton, S. Roy Chowdhury, A. Sydney, and M. Youssef, "Efficient Mitigation Strategies for Epidemics in Rural Regions," PLoS ONE 5(7): e11569, July 2010.

- R. Kooij, M. Youssef, C. Scoglio, "Viral Conductance: Quantifying the Robustness of Networks with respect to Virus Spread" Submitted for publication 2010.

- T. Easton, K. Carlyle, C. Scoglio "Optimizing Quarantine Regions Through Ellipsoidal Geographic Networks" Submitted for publication 2010.

- A. Sydney, C. Scoglio, M. Youssef, and P. Schumm, “Characterising the robustness of complex networks,” International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 291 - 320, 2010.

- P. Schumm, A. Sydney, C. Scoglio, "A Complex Network Approach to Control Epidemics in Rural Regions," poster and video presented at NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Luncheon for U.S. Senate Commerce Committee July 2009, Hart Senate Office Building, Washington D.C.

- J. Anderson "Simulating Epidemics in Rural Areas and Optimizing Preplanned Quarantine Areas using a Clustering Heuristic" Master of Science Thesis, Kansas State University 2009.

- K. Carlyle "Optimizing Quarantine Regions through Graph Theory and Simulation" Master of Science Thesis, Kansas State University 2009.

- R. Kooij, P. Schumm, C. Scoglio, and M. Youssef "A new metric for robustness with respect to virus spread" in Proceedings of IFIP-TC Networking 2009, Aachen, Germany, 2009.

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Acknowledgment and Disclaimer

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0841112. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.