Xin Li

PhD Student, Graduate Research Assistant and Graduate Teaching Assistant
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kansas State University
xinli1125 (at)
Office: RA2082
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, United States, Aug 2013 - Present
B.S., Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China, Aug 2008 - Jul 2012
Research Interests
Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networking
Load balancing for Middlebox applications using Software Defined Networking
Conference Experience
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2016), San Francisco, CA, April 2016
GENI Engineering Conference 23 (GEC23), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 2015
GENI Engineering Conference 22 (GEC22) and US Ignite Application Summit, Washington DC, March 2015
GENI Engineering Conference 21 (GEC21), Indiana University, October 2014
IEEE PES T&D Conference, Chicago, April 2014
Poster Experience
Middlebox resources management using OpenFlow, IEEE INFOCOM 2016 student activities, San Francisco, April 2016
Enhancing Network Security and Reliability for Smart Grids, Electrical Power Affiliates Program (EPAP) Day, Kansas State University, September 2015
Size-based Flow Management Enabling Dynamic DMZ, GEC21, October 2014
Secure and Reliable OpenFlow Networks for Smart Grids, Electrical Power Affiliates Program (EPAP) Day, Kansas State University, September 2014
Other Professional Experience
Presentation: Dynamic load balancing for middlebox policy enforcement using SDN, 9th Central Area Networking and Security (CANSec) Workshop, Warrensburg, MO, April 2016
OpenFlow and Software Defined Networking Workshop, KanREN Offices, July 2015
GENI Summer Camp, Iowa State University, July 2014
Train the TA tutorial, GENI Online, September 2013
Reviewer for Physica A, since December 2014
Volunteer to be the judge in K-State Engineering Undergraduate Research Poster Forum, April 2015
Li, X., Wu, H., Scoglio, C., & Gruenbacher, D. (2015). Robust allocation of weighted dependency links in cyber–physical networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 433, 316-327.
Wu, H., Li, X., Scoglio, C., Gruenbacher, D., & Andresen, D. (2015, March). Size-based flow management prototype for dynamic DMZ. In Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), 2015 11th International Conference on the (pp. 191-196). IEEE.
Li, X., Wu, H., Gruenbacher, D., Scoglio, C., Anjali, T. (2016). Efficient routing for middlebox policy enforcement in software-defined networking. Accepted for publication in Computer Networks.
Wu, H., Li, X., Scoglio, C., Gruenbacher, D. Middlebox resources management using OpenFlow. In Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2016 IEEE Conference on 2016 Apr (pp. 976-977). IEEE.
Programming languages: C++/C, Java, Python, HTML, Matlab
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS
Teaching Experience
Applied Scientific Computing for Engineers, ECE 540, Fall 2014
Circuit Theory 2, ECE 511, Spring 2015
Applied Scientific Computing for Engineers, ECE 540, Fall 2015
Circuit Theory 2, ECE 511, Spring 2016