Haotian Wu

PhD Student, Graduate Research Assistant and Graduate Teaching Assistant
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kansas State University
Email: haotianwu (at) ksu.edu
Office: RA3064
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, United States, Aug 2013 – Present
B.S., Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China, Aug 2008 - Jul 2012
Research Interests
Network security
Congestion-based flow routing for deep packet inspection using SDN.
Size-based flow routing for deep packet inspection using SDN.
Complex Networks
Programmable applications using SDN
Wu, H., Li, X., Scoglio, C., Gruenbacher, D., & Andresen, D. (2015, March). Size-based flow management prototype for dynamic DMZ. In Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), 2015 11th International Conference on the (pp. 191-196). IEEE.
Wu, H., Li, X., Scoglio, C., Gruenbacher, D. Middlebox resources management using OpenFlow. In Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2016 IEEE Conference on 2016 Apr (pp. 976-977). IEEE.
Li, X., Wu, H., Scoglio, C., & Gruenbacher, D. (2015). Robust allocation of weighted dependency links in cyber–physical networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 433, 316-327.
Li, X., Wu, H., Gruenbacher, D., Scoglio, C., & Anjali, T. (2016). Efficient routing for middlebox policy enforcement in software-defined networking. Accepted for publication in Computer Networks.
Habeeb, R., Dan, A., Scoglio, C., Wu, H. (2016). A hybrid SDN-based security architecture for the science DMZ. Submitted.
Conference Experience
ACM SIGCOMM 2015, London, August 2015.
GENI Engineering Conference 23 (GEC23), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 2015
11th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2015), Kansas City, March 2015
GENI Engineering Conference 21 (GEC21), Indiana University, October 2014
IEEE PES T&D Conference, Chicago, April 2014
Poster Experience
Size-based Flow Management Enabling Dynamic DMZ, GEC21, October 2014
Secure and Reliable OpenFlow Networks for Smart Grids, Electrical Power Affiliates Program (EPAP) Day, Kansas State University, September 2014
Programming contests
IEEExtreme 8 Programming Competition, Ranked 57 out of 1853 teams, Oct 2014
Garmin Programming Competition 2014, KSU, Third Place among all competitors, Feb 2014
ACM/ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest), Silver medal in regional contest (Asia Division), Oct 2010
Beihang University Programming Contest, Meritorious Winner, Dec 2009
Other Professional Experience
OpenFlow and Software Defined Networking Workshop, KanREN Offices, July 2015
Presentation: Size-based Flow Management and Future Work, Work in Progress Session, GEC23, June 2015
Volunteer to be the judge in K-State Engineering Undergraduate Research Poster Forum, April 2015
Mentor of graduate student, 2015
GENI Summer Camp, Iowa State University, July 2014
Train the TA tutorial, GENI Online, September 2013
C, C++, Java, Python, Matlab, PHP, Shell, SQL
Algorithms and Data Structures
Networking, SDN
Teaching Experience
Circuit Theory 2, ECE 511, 2016
Network Theory, ECE 841, 2015
Computer Networking, ECE 542, 2014, 2015