Dwight D. Day | Associate Professor

Ph.D. - 1987, Oklahoma State University
Electrical Engineering
M.S. - 1981, Oklahoma State University
Electrical Engineering
B.S. - 1980, Oklahoma State University
Electrical Engineering
Contact information
3077 Engineering Hall
Professional experience
Day was an engineer at Texas Instruments from 1983 to 1985 and Boeing Military Airplanes from 1987 to 1990. He is currently an associate professor at Kansas State University, where he has been teaching and doing research since 1990. Day has taught classes in digital design, microprocessor applications, numerical methods, digital image processing and digital signal processing.
Day's research areas have ranged from image processing for quality control to signal processing for road profiling. He has also done research for Sandia National Labs in the area of High Performance Computing (HPC) and NASA, developing low-power communications systems.
Academic highlights
Day has been involved in a wide variety of technical pursuits and his academic career has been on of diverse efforts. He has been involved in multiple image processing inspection develops, such as the evaluation of baked goods, in conjunction with American Institute of Baking, as well as a program to characterize agricultural spray planes, using water sensitive paper. He has also done work in FAA high-reliability software testing, as well as algorithmic development for road profiling systems. More recent work has been in High Performance Computing (HPC) and the development of low-power communications systems.