+Personal Webpage of Caterina Scoglio
Caterina Scoglio
LeRoy and Aileen Paslay Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Office:3083 Engineering Hall
Tel:(785) 532-4646
Fax:(785) 532-1188
E-mail: caterina@ksu.edu
Several Ph.D Open Positions
Ph.D. positions - Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Network Science & Engineering Group has openings for several strongly motivated Ph.D. students in the field of network science with applications to biological and social networks under the supervision of Prof. Caterina Scoglio. Interested applicants, please send your CV along with a cover letter to Prof. Caterina Scoglio (caterina@k-state.edu) .
Preference will be given to those who: 1. Have a strong math background and programming skills. 2. Have research interests and experience in nonlinear dynamics, control theory, graph theory, and stochastic processes. 3. Hold an M.S. degree in related programs.
Caterina M. Scoglio is the Paslay chair professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Kansas State University. Her main research interests are in the field of network science and engineering. Caterina received the Dr. Eng. degree from the "Sapienza" Rome University, Italy, in 1987. Before joining Kansas State University, she worked at the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni from 1987 to 2000, and at the Georgia Institute of Technology from 2000 to 2005. Caterina has also been an affiliated faculty member at the Institute of Computational Comparative Medicine (ICCM) at Kansas State University, from 2013 to 2020.
Research group
"Network Science and Engineering Group (NetSE)" at Kansas State University
ECE 890 Introduction to Blockchain
ECE 690 Overlay Network Design
ECE 771 System and Control Theory Applied to Bioengineering
Selected projects
"User-friendly online dashboard for the assessment of the risk of African swine fever virus introduction, exposure, and potential spread into the United States" DHS, (2022-2024), ongoing.
"Long-Distance Dispersal and Disease Spread Under Increased Ecological Complexity" NSF/NIH/ USDA/BBSRC Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) Program, (2022-2027), ongoing.
"PICTUREE logistical support tool: Predicting Insect Contact and Transmission Using histoRical Entomological and Environmental data" DOD, (2019-2022), ongoing.
"The protease network that regulates innate immunity in mosquitoes" NIH, (2018-2023), ongoing.
"EAGER: Data Generation for the Coupled System Composed of the Beef Cattle Production Infrastructure and the Transportation Services Infrastructure in Southwestern Kansas" NSF CMMI, (2017-2022), ongoing.
"RAPID: Understanding COVID-19 Transmission With Non-Markovian Models" NSF IIS-2027336, (2020-2022), completed.
"Long-Distance Dispersal and Disease Outbreaks: Effects of Initial Prevalence, Basic Reproduction Number, and Control Tactics" NSF/NIH/ USDA/BBSRC Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) Program, through USDA-NIFA, (2015-2021), completed.
"p-Modulus on Networks with Applications to the Study of Epidemics" NSF DMS, (2015-2019), completed.
"Modeling Japanese Encephalitis in the USA using Interconnected Networks" USDA, (2014-2019), completed.
"Spreading Processes over Multilayer and Interconnected Networks" NSF CIF, (2014-2018), completed.
"RAPID: Effectiveness of contact tracing for detection of Ebola risk during early introduction of the virus within the USA" NSF IIS, (2014-2015), completed.
"Problems in Function Theory with Applications" NSF DMS-1201427, (2012 - 2015), completed.
"Modeling a Rift Valley fever risk surveillance system for the United States" CEEZAD-Kansas Bioscience Authority, (2010 - 2016), completed.
"Advanced Computational and Sensor Network Methods for MVDC Shipboard Power Systems" EPSCoR-ONR, (2009-2013), completed.
"Mathematical and Simulative Models for Epidemics" K-State National Agricultural Biosecurity Center, (2009 - 2012), completed.
"Kansas Wind Energy Consortium" US Department of Energy, (2009 - 2012), completed.
"Complex Systems Grants: Quality of Care and Network Properties of Outpatient Health Care Delivery in the Veterans Health Administration" National Academies Keck Futures Initiative, (2009 - 2011), completed.
"GpENI: The Great Plains Environment for Network Innovation" NSF - GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovation), (2008 - 2011), completed.
"Improving the Robustness of the Power Grid through Distributed Solar and Wind Generation" K-State Electrical Power Affiliates Program, (2008 - 2010), completed.
"SGER: Exploratory research on a complex network approach to epidemic spreading in rural regions" NSF SES-0841112, (2008 - 2009), completed.
"Applying Landscape Connectivity to Model the Spread of Plant Pathogens" USDA-APHIS, (2008 - 2010), completed.
"Network and Traffic Engineering for DiffServ MPLS-Based Network", NSF ITR, (2002 - 2006), completed.
"QoS in the Next Generation Internet", NASA Goddard and Swales Aerospace, (2000 - 2004), completed.
"Quality of Future Internet Services", COST 263, (1998 - 2002), completed.
"Impacts of New Services on the Architecture and Performance of Broadband Networks", COST 257, (1996 - 2000), completed.
"Performance Evaluation and Design of Broadband Multiservice Networks", COST 242, (1992 - 1996), completed.
"Performance Evaluation and Design of Multiservice Networks", COST 224, (1988 - 1991), completed.
"Google Scholar Profile and Citations"
Service and awards
Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2017-present.
Chair of the Technical Committee on Medical and Health Care Systems of the IEEE Control Systems Society, 2015-2017.
Board of Reviewers of PLOS Current Outbreaks, 2013-present.
Chair and organizer of the Workshop: “Frontiers in Multiscale Computational Modeling for Zoonotic Epidemics”, Kansas City, October 10-12, 2011.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Computer Networks Journal, Elsevier, 2011-2014.
Co-Chair of the Technical Program Committee of the Conference IFIP Networking 2011, 9-13 May 2011, Valencia, Spain.
Co-Organizer of the Workshop "Robustness of Complex Networks", 14-16 Nov. 2010, Delft, The Netherlands.
Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Modeling and mitigating the spread of disease" of the International Journal of Artificial Life Research.
Co-Chair of the Technical Program Committee for IEEE IPOM 2009, 9th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management, 2009, Venice, Italy.
Member of the Organizing Committee for the Workshop on Bridging the Cyber, Physical, and Social Worlds, May 27-28, Kansas City, Missouri. Sponsored by NSF.
American Editor of the "International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (IJITST)", 2006-present.
Co-Chair for the Poster and Demo Session at IEEE INFOCOM 2006.
TPC member for many conferences, including QofIS 2000, 2004, IEEE INFOCOM 1998, 2004-2007, IEEE ICC 2004, 2009, Complex 2009, IWSOS 2008-2009.
"2021 Excellent Editor award” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
"2021-2022 Commerce Bank and W.T. Kemper Foundation Distinguished Graduate Faculty award" Kansas State University
"2021 Engineering Distinguished Researcher Award" College of Engineering, Kansas State University
"2020 Steve Hsu Keystone Research Faculty Scholar " Kansas State University
"2019 Professorial Performance Award" Kansas State University
"2016 Frankenhoff Outstanding Research Award" College of Engineering, Kansas State University
"2015 Research Proposal Teamwork Award" College of Engineering, Kansas State University
"2014 Dean’s Award of Excellence" College of Engineering, Kansas State University
"2010 WESP Making a Difference Award" The Women in Engineering and Science Program at Kansas State University
"2008 Eta Kappa Nu Distinguished Faculty Award" Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Kansas State University
"2005 Award of Recognition for Outstanding Leadership" Engineering Student Council of the Kansas State University
"2002 BWN Lab Researcher of the Year Award" for outstanding contributions and professional achievements