Hongyu Wu | Associate Professor

University Outstanding Scholar

Photo of Hongyu Wu

Lucas-Rathbone Professorship in Engineering

Postdoc - 2014, Illinois Institute of Technology
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ph.D. - 2011, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

Control Science and Engineering
B.S. - 2003, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Power and Energy Engineering

Contact information

3093 Engineering Hall

Personal webpage

Professional experience

Hongyu Wu worked as a researcher at State Grid Energy Research Institute of China upon the completion of his doctorate. From Sept. 2011 to Feb. 2014, he was a senior research associate at Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), where he worked closely with Professor Mohammad Shahidehpour on research projects associated with smart grid and microgrid. From Feb. 2014 to Aug. 2016, he was a research engineer in the Power Systems Engineering Center at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), where he collaborated closely with universities, national laboratories, governmental agencies and private companies in the power and energy sector to optimize strategies for effectively interconnecting renewable resources and emerging energy efficiency technologies in the electric power system.


Wu’s research is to address the emerging technical challenges in electric power systems with systems engineering approaches that integrate technologies from a wide range of fields including, but not limited to, computer and network systems, communication engineering, cyber physical systems, control science, and mathematical optimization. His research interests focus on:

  • Control, operation and planning of power systems (include smart grid and microgrid)
  • Modeling, optimization and simulation of power systems
  • Grid integration of renewable energy (wind and solar)
  • Demand side management
  • Electric vehicles to grid
  • Electricity market analysis and risk management
  • Home/building energy management systems
  • Stochastic modeling and optimization
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
  • Cybersecurity in Power Systems

He is an IEEE senior member and has over 10-year academic, national laboratorial and industrial experiences in these areas. He was a key contributor to NREL’s Home Energy Management System (HEMS), a major technology advancement for the future smart residential energy hub. The HEMS technology was granted DOE software record and is now being adopted in many projects both in industry and national labs. Wu was also a key contributor to NREL’s multi-timescale stochastic power system operational models, which enhance ISOs/RTOs’ capabilities in dealing with various uncertainties caused by increasing amount of renewable energy resources. One of his publications related to his work was selected as Best Conference Paper in Power Systems Modeling and Simulation in 2015 IEEE PES General Meeting. He was also invited by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to present his work in Washington D.C. Wu was also a contributor to IIT microgrid project. He is the reviewer of major IEEE Transactions journals in his research areas and serves in a number of technical review committees in universities, national laboratories and governmental agencies.

Academic highlights
  • NSF EPSCoR Research Fellow
  • Published over 80 book chapters, journal and magazine articles, conference proceedings, and software copyrights
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference, 2018
  • IEEE PES General Meeting Best Paper, 2015 and 2016
  • Serves on technical review committees and as session chairs in international conferences

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