Book Chapters
1. Yuan Cao and Chip Hong Chang (Editors), ”Frontiers in Hardware Security and Trust: Theory, Design and Practice,” IET, 2020 (Jiaji He, Xialong Guo, Yiqiang Zhao and Yier Jin, ”Chapter 5. Formal Verification for SoC Security”)
2. S. Bhunia, S. Ray, and S. Sur-Kolay (Editors), “Fundamentals of IP and SoC Security - Design, Verification and Debug,” Springer, 2017 (Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, and Yier Jin, “Chapter 10. IP Trust Validation Using Proof-Carrying Hardware”)
3. P. Mishra, S. Bhunia, and M. Tehranipoor (Editors), “Hardware IP Security and Trust,” Springer, 2017 (Raj Gautam Dutta, Xiaolong Guo and Yier Jin, “Chapter 4. IP Trust: The Problem and Design/Validation-Based Solution”)
Journal Papers
- Weimin Fu, Shijie Li, Yifang Zhao, Kaichen Yang, Xuan Zhang, Yier Jin, and Xiaolong Guo, "A Generalize Hardware Debugging Modeling Approach for Large Language Models Semi-Syntectic Datasets,'' IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS-I), 2024. Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2024.3487486
- Zhu, Huifeng, Haoqi Shan, Dean Sullivan, Xiaolong Guo, Yier Jin, and Xuan Zhang.“PDNPulse: Sensing PCB Anomaly with the Intrinsic Power Delivery Network.” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), (2023).
- Zhu, Huifeng, Xiaolong Guo, Yier Jin, and Xuan Zhang. ”PowerScout: Security-Oriented Power Delivery Network Modeling for Side-Channel Vulnerability Analysis.” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (2023).
- Kejun Chen, Orlando Arias, Xiaolong Guo, Qingxu Deng, and Yier Jin, “IP-Tag: Tag-Based Runtime 3PIP Hardware Trojan Detection in SoC Platforms,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 2022 May 10;42(1):68-81.
- Zhang, Qizhi, Liang Liu, Yidong Yuan, Zhe Zhang, Jiaji He, Ya Gao, Yao Li, Xiaolong Guo, and Yiqiang Zhao. “A Gate-Level Information Leakage Detection Framework of Sequential Circuit Using Z3,” Electronics 11, no. 24 (2022): 4216.
- Kejun Chen, Orlando Arias, Qingxu Deng, Daniela Oliverira, Xiaolong Guo, and Yier Jin, “FineDIFT: Fine-Grained Dynamic Information Flow Tracking for Data-Flow Integrity using Coprocessor,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 2022.
- Jiaji He, Xiaolong Guo, Mark Tehranipoor, Apostol Vassilev, and Yier Jin, ”EM Side Channels in Hardware Security: Attacks and Defenses,” IEEE Design & Test on Computers (DT), vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 100-111, 2022.
- Jiaji He, Haocheng Ma, Max Panoff, Hanning Wang, Yiqiang Zhao, Leibo Liu, Xiaolong Guo, and Yier Jin, “Security Oriented Design Framework for EM SideChannel Protection in RTL Implementations,” IEEE Transactions on ComputerAided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2021.
- Kejun Chen, Xiaolong Guo, Qingxu Deng, Yier Jin, “Dynamic Information Flow Tracking: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Opportunities,” Micromachines. Special Issue Hardware Security Attacks and Countermeasures in Integrated Circuits, 2021.
- Qihui Yang, Chunlin Yi, Aram Vajdi, Lee W. Cohnstaedt, Hongyu Wu, Xiaolong Guo, and Caterina M. Scoglio. “Short-term forecasts and long-term mitigation evaluations for the COVID-19 epidemic in Hubei Province, China.” Infectious Disease Modelling 5 (2020): 563-574.
- Jiaji He, Xiaolong Guo, Travis Meade, Raj Gautam Dutta, Yiqiang Zhao, Yier Jin, “SoC Interconnection Protection through Formal Verification”, in Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 64, pp. 143-151, 2019.
- Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, Prabhat Mishra, Yier Jin, “Automatic Code Converter Enhanced PCH Framework for SoC Trust Verification, ” in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI), vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 3390-3400, 2017.
- Jiaji He, Yiqiang Zhao, Xiaolong Guo, Yier Jin, “Hardware Trojan Detection through Chip-Free Electromagnetic Side-Channel Statistical Analysis,” in IEEE Transactions on Very LargeScale Integration System (TVLSI), vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 2939-2948, 2017.
- Yier Jin, Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, Mohammad-Mahdi Bidmeshki, Yiorgos Makris, ”Data Secrecy Protection through Information Flow Tracking in Proof-Carrying Hardware IP Part I: Framework Fundamentals”, in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security
(TIFS), vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 2416-2429, 2017. - Mohammad-Mahdi Bidmeshki, Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, Yier Jin, Yiorgos Makris, ”Data Secrecy Protection through Information Flow Tracking in Proof-Carrying Hardware IP Part II: Framework Automation”,in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security
(TIFS), vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 2430-2443, 2017. - Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, Yier Jin, “Eliminating the Hardware-Software Boundary: A Proof-Carrying Approach for Trust Evaluation on Computer Systems, ” in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security (TIFS), 2016.
- Xiaolong Guo, Shuai Yuan, “A New Tree Pruning SD Algorithm to Eliminate Interference,” Int. J. Digital Cont. Tech. Appl., January 2013.
- Shiliang Wang, Xiaolong Guo, M. U. M. BakuraA, Songlin Sun, Xiaojun Jing, and Hai Huang, “A Radius Choice Algorithm For MIMO Sphere Decoding Based on the Noise Statistics,” in Journal of Computational Information System, no. 6, vol. 8, pp. 2041-2048, 2012.
- Jing Fu, Xiaojun Jing, and Xiaolong Guo, “CU-SURF: Colored Speeded Up Robust Features,” in Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012.
Conference Papers
- Yifang Zhao, Weimin Fu, Shijie Li, Yi-Xiang Hu, Xiaolong Guo and Yier Jin, ``Enhancing LLM Performance on Hardware Design Generation Task via Reinforcement Learning,'' 2025 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, London, UK, May 25-28, 2025.
- Weimin Fu, Yifang Zhao, Yier Jin, and Xiaolong Guo, ``Poster: Enhance Hardware Domain Specific Large Language Model with Reinforcement Learning for Resilience,'' Proceedings of the 2024 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '24), October 14--18, 2024, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
- Zhaoxiang Liu, Ning Luo, Samuel Judson, Raj Gautam Dutta, Xiaolong Guo, and Mark Santolucito, ``Poster: BlindMarket: A Trustworthy Chip Designs Marketplace for IP Vendors and Users,'' Proceedings of the 2024 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '24), October 14--18, 2024, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
- Kejun Chen, Xuan Zhang, Xiaolong Guo, and Xianglong Feng. "Guarding the Gatekeepers: Ensuring the Security of Computation Hardware in Cloud Infrastructure," Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (GOMACTech) 2024
- Zhaoxiang Liu, Orlando Arias, Dean Sullivan, Raj Dutta, and Xiaolong Guo. "A Temporal Causality Model for SoC-Scale Security Formal Verification at the Hardware-Software Boundary," Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (GOMACTech) 2024
- Min Yang, Xiaolong Guo, and Lei Jiang. "Multi-Stage Watermarking for Quantum Circuits," IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering 2024 (QCE24).
- Ruochen Dai, Zhaoxiang Liu, Orlando Arias, Xiaolong Guo, Tuba Yavuz. "DTjRTL: A Configurable Framework for Automated Hardware Trojan Insertion at RTL." In Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2024, June 12-14, 2024, Tampa Bay Area, FL, USA.
- Weimin Fu, Shijie Li, Yifang Zhao, Haocheng Ma, Raj Dutta, Xuan Zhang, Kaicheng Yang, Yier Jin, and Xiaolong Guo. ``Llm4sechw: Leavering domain-specific large language model for hardware debugging,'' 29th IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC); 2024 January; Incheon Songdo Convensia, South Korea.
- Zhaoxiang Liu, Kejun Chen, Dean Sullivan, Orlando Arias, Raj Dutta, Yier Jin, and Xiaolong Guo. ``Microscope: Causality inference crossing the hardware and software boundary from hardware perspective,'' In 2024 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). IEEE/ACM, 2024.
- Weimin Fu, Kaichen Yang, Raj Gautam Dutta, Xiaolong Guo, and Gang Qu. ``Llm4sechw: Leavering domain-specific large language model for hardware debugging,'' IEEE Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (AsianHOST), 2023.
- Akshita Reddy Mavurapu, Haoqi Shan, Xiaolong Guo, Orlando Arias, Dean Sullivan, ``HeisenTrojans: They Are Not There Until They Are Triggered,'' IEEE Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (AsianHOST), 2023.
- Fu, Weimin, Honggang Yu, Orlando Arias, Kaichen Yang, Yier Jin, Tuba Yavuz, and Xiaolong Guo. ”Graph Neural Network based Hardware Trojan Detection at Intermediate Representative for SoC Platforms.” In Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2022, pp.
481-486. 2022. - Zhaoxiang Liu, Orlando Arias, Weimin Fu, Yier Jin and Xiaolong Guo, “Inter-IP Malicious Modification Detection through Static Information Flow Tracking,” Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE), 2022.
- Orlando Arias, Zhaoxiang Liu, Xiaolong Guo, Yier Jin and Shuo Wang, “RTSec: Automated RTL Code Augmentation for Hardware Security Enhancement,” Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE), 2022.
- Weimin Fu, Orlando Arias, Yier Jin, and Xiaolong Guo, “Fuzzing Hardware: Faith or Reality?” IEEE/ACM Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures (NANOARCH), 2022.
- Xiaolong Guo, Song Han, X. Sharon Hu, Yier Jin, Fanxin Kong, and Michael Lemmon, “Towards Scalable, Secure, and Smart Mission-Critical IoT Systems: Review and Vision,” International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), 2021.
- Yichen Jiang, Huifeng Zhu, Haoqi Shan, Xiaolong Guo, Xuan Zhang and Yier Jin, “TRRScope: Understanding Target Row Refresh Mechanism for Modern DDR Protection,” Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2021.
- Yichen Jiang, Huifeng Zhu, Xiaolong Guo, Xuan Zhang, Yier Jin, “Quantifying Rowhammer Vulnerability for DRAM Security,” in 2021 IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC).
- Huifeng Zhu, Xiaolong Guo, Yier Jin, Xuan Zhang, “PCBench: Benchmarking of Board-Level Hardware Attacks and Trojans,” in The 26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2021). (Best Paper Nominate)
- Huifeng Zhu, Xiaolong Guo, Yier Jin, and Xuan Zhang, ”PowerScout: A Security-Oriented Power Delivery Network Modeling Framework for Cross-Domain Side-Channel Analysis,” IEEE Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST), 2020. (Best Paper Award)
- Qizhi Zhang, Jiaji He, Yiqiang Zhao, and Xiaolong Guo, ”A Formal Framework for Gate-Level Information Leakage Using Z3,” IEEE Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST), 2020.
- Xiaolong Guo, Huifeng Zhu, Xuan Zhang, Yier Jin, “Model-Driven Analog Vulnerabilities Detection in the Digital Domain,” at the Workshop on Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Security, co-located at ICCAD 2020.
- Jiaji He, Xiaolong Guo, Haocheng Ma, Yanjiang Liu, Yiqiang Zhao, Yier Jin, “Runtime Trust Evaluation and Hardware Trojan Detection Using On-Chip EM Sensor,” in 2020 IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC).
- Jiaji He, Haocheng Ma, Xiaolong Guo, Yiqiang Zhao, Yier Jin, “Design for EM Side-Channel Security through Quantitative Assessment of RTL Implementations,”, in The 25th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2020.
- Kejun Chen, Qingxu Deng, Yumin Hou, Yier Jin, Xiaolong Guo, “Hardware and Software Co-Verification from Security Perspective,” in 20th International Workshop on Microprocessor and SOC Test and Verification (MTV), Texas, USA, December 2019.
- Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, Jiaji He, Mark M. Tehranipoor, and Yier Jin, “QIF-Verilog: Quantitative Information-Flow based Hardware Description Languages for Pre-Silicon Security Assessment,” in IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust
(HOST), 2019. - Xiaolong Guo, Huifeng Zhu, Yier Jin, Xuan Zhang, “When Capacitors Attack: Formal Method Driven Design and Detection of Charge-Domain Trojans,” Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE), 2019. (Best Paper Award)
- Xiaolong Guo, Jiaji He, and Yier Jin, “Runtime SoC Trust Verification using Integrated Symbolic Execution and Solver,” Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (GOMACTech-18), 2018.
- Jiaji He, Xiaolong Guo, and Yier Jin, “Golden Chip Free Electromagnetic Simulation and Statistical Analysis for Hardware Security,” Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical
Technology Conference (GOMACTech-18), 2018. - Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, Jiaji He, and Yier Jin, “PCH Framework for IP Runtime Security Verification,” Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (AsianHOST), 2017.
- Raj Gautam Dutta, Xiaolong Guo and Yier Jin, “Estimation of Safe States of Autonomous System Under Attack,” in 2017 IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Austin, TX, USA, June, 2017.
- Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, and Yier Jin, “Proof-Carrying Hardware based IP Protection,” in Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (GO-MACTech), 2017.
- Raj Gautam Dutta, Xiaolong Guo and Yier Jin, “Trusted Autonomous Systems under Sensor Attacks,” in Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (GOMACTech), 2017.
- Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, Yier Jin “Symbolic Algebra Based Proof-Carrying ASIC,” in 17th International Workshop on Microprocessor and SOC Test and Verification (MTV), Texas, USA, December 2016.
- Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, Prabhat Mishra, Mark Tehranipoor and Yier Jin, “Scalable SoC Trust Verification Using Integrated Theorem Proving and Model Checking,” in IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2016.
- Raj Gautam Dutta, Xiaolong Guo and Yier Jin, “Quantifying Trust in Autonomous System Under Uncertainties,” in IEEE SoC (System-on-Chip) Conference (SOCC), 2016.
- Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, Yier Jin, “Hierarchy-Preserving Formal Verification Methods for Pre-Silicon Security Assurance,” in 16th International Workshop on Microprocessor and SOC Test and Verification (MTV), Texas, USA, December 2015.
- Xiaolong Guo, Raj Gautam Dutta, Yier Jin, Fariman Farahmandi, Prabhat Mishra, “Pre-Silicon Security Verification and Validation: A Formal Perspective,” in 2015 IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), CA, USA, June 2015.
- Xiaolong Guo, Songlin Sun, Xiaojun Jing, Hai Huang, “A Stable Expected Complexity Sphere Detection with IRA Enhancement,” in Proc. IEEE Vehi. Tech. Conf. (VTC), Dresden, Germany, June. 2013.
- S. Wang, Xiaolong Guo, Songlin Sun, Tiehong Tian, and Xiaojun Jing, “A Tree Pruning Algorithm For MIMO Sphere Decoding Based On Path Metric,” in Proc. IEEE 75th Vehi. Tech. Conf. (VTC), Spring, 2012.
- Xiaolong Guo, Yanhong Ju, Songlin Sun, “Improvement of the MIMO Detection Through a Hierarchical K-Best OSIC-SE System,” in IET International Conference on Communication Technology and Application (ICCTA 2011), pp. 181-186, 2011.