
Student advising is an important part of the collegiate education process. Academic advisors provide an integral part in shaping the student's education to meet the student's academic and career goals. Advisors play a critical role in student success and ensure the student is making satisfactory academic progress. Please review K-State's academic advising syllabus.

In order to provide a high-quality advising experience, the Mike Wiegers Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has full-time academic advisors on staff. ECE faculty are involved in the advising process as well. All undergraduate students are required to meet with an advisor once a semester. This meeting ensures the student is making significant progress towards their degree program while also aligning courses with the student's interests. This is also a time for the student to seek counseling and advice regarding future plans and how to shape their coursework to ensure success in those areas.

Garrett Peterson Garrett Peterson

Academic Advisor - Instructor
3096 Engineering Hall

Charles Carlson

Teaching Assistant Professor
3082 Engineering Hall